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Category Archives: Africa


  In 1987, I found myself in Cairo and discovered Shakshuka, a spicy egg-based dish I have since encountered throughout the Middle East and North Africa. Some culinary historians suggest that Shakshuka originated in North Africa, possibly in Tunisia or Libya. The name “Shakshuka” itself is thought to come from the Arabic word “shakshek,” which means “to shake” or “to mix.”The dish likely spread to the Middle East, where variations of it are found in countries like Israel, Yemen, and Egypt. Shakshuka is often associated with Jewish and North African cuisines, and it has become a popular breakfast dish.My version […]

Moroccan-inspired roast leg of lamb

  Here’s a Moroccan-inspired roast leg of lamb with harissa. I first encountered this dish on a visit that took us over the Atlas Mountains to Ouarzazate. As we prepared to eat our lunch, the sight of armed troops firing automatic weapons into the main square on the other side of the street was a bit of a surprise. They were American and making a lot of noise. A column of smoke arose from where they were shooting, making us think we were witnessing a covert operation by a US Special Forces unit. A closer look revealed that they were […]


  A traditional tagine is a North African dish named after the earthenware pot in which it is cooked. It’s a slow-cooked stew that typically includes a combination of meat, vegetables, dried fruits, and a mix of aromatic spices. I first ate this in Paris when I was a student. The accompanying sauce was the spiciest I had eaten at that point in my life.Since then, I have been to North Africa, with trips to Egypt, Somaliland, Tunisia and Morocco. It was in Morocco where I had my best tagines, which is why this recipe has a Morrocan flavour. We […]

Grilled Lagos lobster

  Grilled lobster is a popular Lagos delicacy that involves grilling or roasting crayfish with a blend of traditional Nigerian spices and herbs. While it is not as common as other Nigerian dishes, it is still a cherished speciality, particularly in the coastal regions where lobster is abundantly available.On both my three-week work-related visits to Nigeria in 2008, our host took us to a ‘bush’ restaurant somewhere in the outskirts of Lagos. This involved travelling in a convoy, with our two vehicles flanked by two police vehicles carrying policemen armed with AK47s. We were served huge lobsters and bottles of […]

Kudu in cream sauce

  Having hired a 4-wheel drive vehicle, we were driving around Namibia. One night, we stayed in a remote lodge that only had Kudu meat on the menu. This was a problem as the only meat my five-year-old son would eat was chicken. The greater kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros) is found throughout central & northern Namibia and is the second tallest antelope on the African continent. Kudu bulls bear long, spiral horns which reach record lengths of up to 1.8m. Horns grow to their full length at the age of six years.As we had been travelling all day, he needed to eat […]

kudo in cream sauce


  In 1998, I visited Riyadh to run a project for a bank. The funniest part of the trip was taking our Ethiopian housekeeper to the supermarket to buy supplies. We lost track of her as she wore a burka, and we could not remember what her shoes looked like. We had to hang around the checkout until she found us. Lesson learned: we always noted her shoes on subsequent shopping trips.The most memorable meal was one that she cooked for us, as it included Injera.While I was there, Operation Desert Fox started. It was a major four-day bombing campaign on […]


Hilib Ari

  Somaliland, a self-declared independent state, is known for its rich culinary traditions, often incorporating locally available ingredients such as camel meat, which is a staple in many dishes. One of the popular dishes featuring camel meat is “Hilib Ari,” a traditional Somali grilled camel meat recipe. My visit in December 2019 also taught me not to try camel milk before a long journey. My hosts suggested it would have had a laxative effect. When we got back from the long drive from Hargeisa to Berbera (and back), I tried camel milk tea and noticed no particular ‘side effects’.

Recipes by location

Over the past 40 years, I have travelled the world and experienced different cuisines that I have tried to recreate at home. This meant talking to chefs/cooks in their kitchens to get them to explain how they prepared their dishes. At home, I experimented to try to recreate their dishes. One lesson I learned very quickly was that getting hold of the right ingredients was key. This meant finding and exploring specialist grocery shops around west London, where I live. For most spices, I travel to Southall and buy in bulk. For Chinese, Malaysian, Japanese, Korean and Philippine ingredients, I […]