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Tag Archives: tableware

Fresh whelks

  Whelks are a type of sea snail commonly consumed in various parts of the world, including the United Kingdom, France, and South Korea. They are known for their firm texture and have a slightly sweet, briny flavour. In the UK, whelks are often enjoyed as a popular seafood delicacy.While they might not be as popular as some other types of seafood, whelks are appreciated by many for their unique taste and texture. If you enjoy trying different kinds of seafood, it might be worth giving whelks a try to see if you like their flavour and texture. Exports of […]


  Aligot is a delightful French dish from the Auvergne that combines mashed potatoes with cheese, resulting in a dish with rich, creamy, and stretchy texture. It’s a comfort food that’s perfect for colder weather. When I was seventeen, I joined some French friends from Rouen for a walking holiday in the Gorges du Tarn in southern France. In one small town (or was it a village), we ate dinner in a local cafe and were puzzled by the slowness of the service – not just for us but all diners. Just before the main course was served, the cook […]